Statement of Faith
►We believe the 66 books of the Bible are the inspired Word of God, the Holy Spirit having superintended the writing by godly men. (2 Tim. 3:16, 2 Pet. 1:21)
►We believe the one eternal God exists in three persons, equal in deity, differing in roles, revealed in Scripture as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (Duet. 6, Matt. 28:18-20)
►We believe that God created all things perfectly, but that Adam (the first man) chose to disobey God bringing judgment upon himself and all of mankind. (Gen. 3, Rom 3:10-19)
►We believe that since sin entered the world by one man’s disobedience, that God, out of love, would restore the world through One Man’s obedience. That One Man is the Lord Jesus, eternally existing as the Son of God having become Son of Man through the virgin Mary. (Rom. 5)
►We believe man cannot earn salvation by good works but that God offers salvation by grace alone through faith in Jesus’ sinless obedience and willing sacrifice to pay the debt of man’s sins. Having offered Himself for our sins, He rose from the dead conquering death. (Eph. 2:8-9, 1 Cor. 15:3-4)
►We believe the Apostle’s Creed is a good, historic and faithful expression of our Christian faith and use it regularly in our worship service.
►We believe in two sacraments—baptism, which is a visible expression of our union with Jesus in His death, burial and resurrection indicating that we are to walk in ‘newness of life’ (Rom. 6:1-11); and, the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion) which reminds us of the cost He paid for our redemption, (Matt. 26:26-29). We practice both adult and infant baptism. We invite all believers to share at the Lord’s Supper.
►We practice confirmation of youth to help them understand by the Bible their relationship to the Father through Jesus and their responsibility in the church and to the world.
►We support and encourage the family, believing God ordained and blesses marriage between a man and a woman. (Gen. 2, Heb. 13:4)